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Rock Parish Council


Monday 19 November 2022 7pm

Far Forest Sports Pavilion



Councillors: Richard Williams (Chairman), Sandra Woodhouse, Chris Price, Christine Sankey, Andrew Croot, Pat Pain, Sue Morris, Sally Watkins, Emily Bourne, Nick Stones, David Nott, Douglas Godwin.

In attendance: Mr S Clee, Clerk and Mr and Mrs Clive Skidmore.


Councillors Isobel Hedges Ward and County Councillor Dan Morehead.

2236 Confirmation of the minutes

The minutes of the last meeting held on 28 November 2022 as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.

2237 Declaration of Interest for a) The meeting and b) Any changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality.

This was no declarations made.

2238 Public participation:

There was none.

2239 Planning Applications:

043 22/0954/FUL Conversion of traditional farm building into two holiday let units and associated plant room at Deasland Farm, Deasland Lane, Heightington.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

044 22/0955/LBC Conversion of traditional farm building into two holiday let units and associated plant room at Deasland Farm, Deasland Lane, Heightington.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

045 22/0959/LBC Repairs to the timber framing to the east and west gables of Lower Norchard Farm at Lower Norchard Farm, Netherton Lane, Dunley.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

046 22/0950/FUL Demolition of Industrial Buildings Erection of one detached dwelling at Keens Farm, Callow Hill, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

047 22/0970/FUL Conversion of former public house into a four-bed dwelling, construction of a two-bed dormer property and construction of two timber-framed carports following the demolition of existing single storey side extension and outbuildings at Bliss Gate Inn, Heightington Road, Bliss Gate.

It was RESOLVED to support this application, although there were some concerns about the possibility of parking in front of the proposed additional detached house and the danger such parking might cause at this junction. There were also concerns expressed about the design of this proposed dwelling and whether it was in keeping with the existing old pub building.

048 22/0928/RES Approval of reserved matters following outline application 19/0613/OUT at Land to the rear of Duke William Inn, Callow Hill.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

049 22/0965/HOU Proposed detached garage at Hill Top Farm, Dark Lane, Rock. William Inn, Callow Hill.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

050 22/0975/TEL Installation of 25m SRN mast, ground-based apparatus and ancillary development at Bewdley Business Park, Long Bank, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

051 22/0916/FUL Partial Demolition of Light Industrial Units and Construction of 21 Dwellings at land at OS 375330 274100, Long Bank, Bewdley, Worcestershire.

This site had previously been considered by the Parish Council twice before. Last time at a special meeting on 10 August 2020 under Planning Application No 20/0572/PIP.

It was RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL to Wyre Forest District Council for this application with the previously agreed considerations as follows;

  • Access to the site off Long Bank between the Business Park and Lye Head Road is a major concern. Long Bank has a speed limit of 60mph until shortly before the Duke William Public House. There have been a number of rear shunts resulting from vehicles entering the Wyre Forest Visitors Centre just along the road to the west side of the site. A filter lane travelling west along the A456 should be considered into the Forestry Centre if the current access to the site is to be used.
  • A Speed Limit Reduction should be considered from the Boundary of Bewdley towards the Callow Hill parish sign.
  • Sustainability needs to be considered.
  • Consideration should be given to Wyre Forest District Council’s Parish Council Housing Needs Survey.
  • A detailed Environmental Survey regarding the site species and trees needs considering.
  • An agreed section 106 agreement towards the Parish Council’s Play Facilities around the Parish be included.
  • The developer should provide a Bus Shelter to the size and specifications used for the shelters at The Royal Forrester and Bliss Gate.

052 22/0996/S73 Variation of condition 7 of 19/0810/FUL at Old Hall Farm, Tenbury Road, Clows Top, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL for this application. This access is at a dangerous point on the A456. When approval for the track was originally supported, it was for occasional agricultural use and was thought to be acceptable. Rock Parish Council is concerned about the danger of regular use by private vehicles at this point on a road with a 60mph limit.

053 22/0997/OUT Outline application for the erection of five dwellings with access from A4117. All other matters reserved at Orchard House, Cleobury Road, Far Forest.

It was RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL for this application because it is overdevelopment of the existing site. It was not included in the New Wyre Forest District Council Local Plan and the application ignores the previous Planning Inspectors report which had accepted the lack of provision in the local plan for self-build/custom build sites as outlined in the previous application.

2240 Correspondence:

The council considered Mr Richard Jennings email regarding Lucy’s Farm Callow Hill and reaffirmed its previous objections it was RESOLVED that Councillor Sally Watkins would represent the Council at a future Planning Committee.

2241 District and county councillor reports:

The council noted the report from Worcestershire County Councillor Dan Morehead.

2242 Finances:

  1. Accounts amounting to £10,433.77 were approved for payment.
  2. The Council noted the current income and expenditure spreadsheets circulated with the agenda to date.
  3. Council noted the Finance Committee had met on 10th November 2022 and looked at a range of issues. The Committee went through the Draft Budget for 2023-2024. Following a debate, it was RESOLVED to support the Finance Committees recommendations and set the Precept for 2023-2024 at £57,650.00.

2227 Date of the next Meeting:

There being no other business the meeting ended at 8.23pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 30 January 2023.

Signed Chairman: 30 January 2023

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