Rock Parish Council
Meeting date: Monday 28 June 2021
Minutes of the Rock Parish Council Meeting, held for the second-time face to face at Far Forest Sports Pavillion, on Monday 28 June 2021 commencing at 7pm.
Present: Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman) David Nott; Andrew Croot; Sandra Woodhouse; Sally Watkins; Christine Sankey; Douglas Godwin; Chris Price and Colin Thornton.
In attendance: Mr S Clee, Clerk; District Councillors Anna and Roger Coleman, Mrs Bateman and Mrs Woodhall.
Apologies: Councillors Nick Stones, Sue Morris, Pat Pain and County Councillor Dan Morehead.
2107 Confirmation of the Minutes:
The minutes of the last meeting held on 24 May 2021 as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the chairman.
2108 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality.
- A) Councillor Sally Watkins declared an interest, as an adjoining resident, in Keys Meadow Planning Application & The Orchard House Application. Councillor Sandra Woodhouse declared an interest, as an adjoining resident, in Keys Meadow Planning Application and The Orchard House Application.
- There were none.
2109 Public Participation:
Mrs Bateman and Mrs Woodhall both residents of Far Forest came to the meeting to express their opposition to the Planning Application at Orchard House.
2110 Planning Applications:
- 011: 21/0433/HOU Erection of single-storey front extension, two-storey rear/side extension and detached car port at Old Bliss Farm, Gorst Hill.
It was RESOLVED to support this application. - 012: 21/0565/OUT Outline application for the erection of 4no. self or custom build dwellings with access from A4117 (all other matters reserved) at Orchard House, Cleobury Road, Far Forest.
It was RESOLVED to recommend refusal of this application. It is known that the pumping station located at Sugars Lane is at maximum capacity for the current Far Forest area. Access from the A4117 is extremely dangerous if using the existing restricted driveway. The land proposed for development contains several soakaways for adjoining residents and there are existing issues with surface water drainage. - 013: 210578/FUL Erection of a detached residential annex, following demolition of barn at The Elms, Jennings Wood Lane, Heightington, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to support this application with the recommendation that the proposed detached annex cannot be sold as a dwelling separately from The Elms. - 014: 21/0585/HOU Two-storey extension to rear/side of existing dwelling and replacement of existing garage with garage and room above at The Gables, Pound Bank, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to support this application. - 015: 21/0585/HOU Two-storey extension to rear/side of existing dwelling and replacement of existing garage with garage and room above at The Gables, Pound Bank, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to support this application. - 016: 21/0438/HOU Erection of single-storey side extension and installation of subterranean filtration tank at Conningswick Farm, Greenway.
It was RESOLVED to support this application. - 017: 21/0558/HOU Proposed single-storey rear extension at Doveys Cottage, Ranters Bank, Far Forest.
It was RESOLVED to support this application. - 018: 21/0389/OUT/REV Construction of 5 no. Detached Dwellings (Outline with all matters reserved) at land adjacent Keys Meadow, New Road, Far Forest.
It was RESOLVED to recommend refusal of this application. The proposed land falls outside the emerging settlement boundary contained within the newly produced Wyre Forest DC Local Plan. It is known that the pumping station located at Sugars Lane is at maximum capacity for the current Far Forest area.
There are also existing issues with surface water drainage in the area which have been highlighted in the report from the North Worcestershire Water Management. Concerns were also raised about the loss of wildlife habitat and corridor.
Reference has been made to the Rock Parish Housing Needs Survey in this submission but recent approved planning applications around the Parish have clearly already exceeded the needs of that survey.
In our opinion, since supplies of dwellings have far exceeded the needs identified in the plan, there is no requirement for further development in the area at this time.
2111 Correspondence and Update Sheet:
Councillor Ms Sandra Woodhouse agreed to write tonight’s parish council report. Councillor Chris Price would be scheduled to write the July report.
2112 County and District Councillors Report:
District Councillor Anna Coleman reported on recent proposals to relax legislation around temporary caravan parks being set up in rural areas. She added that, licensing will still be necessary for long term campsites, and that enforcement action can be taken where antisocial behaviour or other unacceptable activities occur in “pop up” sites.
2113 Parliamentry Boundary review
The Council noted the recent Parliamentary Boundary Review where the only proposal affecting Rock Parish was that the name of the Constituency would change from Wyre Forest to Kidderminster Constituency if the proposals are adopted by Parliament.
2114 Proposed disabled parking bay at number 8 New Forest Close
After careful consideration the parish council support this application for the current needs identified. Provided that the markings are removed once this need ceases or the tenant moves from number 8.
2115 Enforcement issues
Councillor Thornton raised various issues relating to the reporting of breach of enforcement issues around the parish and the lack of feedback being given by Wyre Forest District Council. The Wyre Forest District Council seem to be in breach of their own written policy around this matter. It was agreed a letter would be sent to the appropriate Officer and copied to Ward Councillors.
2116 Far Forest Show
The Council agreed to support the Far Forest show with a gazebo and manned stall again this year on the 14 and 15 August.
2117 Finances:
- Income and Expenditure spreadsheets previously circulated were approved.
- Accounts amounting to £9,162.63 as detailed on the expenditure spreadsheet circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting were approved for payment.
2118 Date of the next Meeting
There being no other business the meeting ended at 8.30pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 26 July 2021. The Chairman thanked everybody for their attendance tonight and wished them a safe journey home.
Chairman 26 July 2021