Rock Parish Council
Meeting date: Monday 28 June 2021
Minutes of the Rock Parish Council Meeting, held for the third time face to face at Far Forest Sports Pavillion, on Monday 26 July 2021 commencing at 7pm.
Present: Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman) David Nott; Pat Pain; Sally Watkins; Nick Stone; Andrew Croot; Sandra Woodhouse; Christine Sankey; Douglas Godwin; and Chris Price.
In attendance: Mr S Clee, Clerk; County Councillor Dan Morehead, Mr David Hawker.
Apologies: Councillors Colin Thornton, Sue Morris, and Andrew Croot
2119 Confirmation of the Minutes:
The minutes of the last meeting held on 28 June 2021 as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the chairman.
2120 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality.
- There were none.
- There were none.
2121 Public Participation:
Mr David Hawker addressed Council with his concerns regarding Planning Application No 21/0592/FUL at The Wain House. He referred to the comments made in the written submission by AddisonRees Planning Consultants Ltd which members had read before the meeting. The Chairman thanked Mr Hawker for his contributions and stated the Council would take his points into consideration when they discussed the application shortly.
2122 Planning Applications:
21/0592/FULErection of 2no Detached Holiday Lets (11 months per year) including parking at The Wain House, Lye Head Road, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to recommend refusal for this planning application as the land contained within this application has only been used for agricultural purposes and is not previously developed land and is outside the settlement boundary both within the existing and emerging WFDC Local Plan.
Council believes the application is contrary to Policy CP12 and DSO1 in the Wyre Forest District Council Core Strategy. Highways was also a concern as access is down a very narrow PRW Track. Council further supports the Conservation Officer’s view and believes the Nissen Hut is worthy of retention as a non-designated heritage asset and feature dating back to the World War 1 and World War 2. -
21/0664/OUT Erection of three bungalows (outline: all matters reserved except access) at Jays Meadow, Callow Hill, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to recommend refusal for this planning application as the land contained within the application is for agricultural use only. The site is outside the settlement boundary with an orchard and wildlife contained within the site. Council believes this is backland development with no proven need.
We would point out that our Housing Needs as shown in WFDC’S Housing Needs Survey has already been exceeded with recently approved planning applications around the Parish. In our opinion, since supplies of dwellings have far exceeded the needs identified in the plan, there is no requirement for further development in our area at this time.
Finally, Council also concurs with Worcestershire County Council Highways that access and egress onto the A456 from the narrow access road is also a major safety concern.
21/ 0674/HOU Proposed two storey rear extension with loft conversion and front porch At Shaw Hill, Dunley Road, Heightington, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
2123 Correspondence and Update Sheet:
Councillor Christopher Price agreed to write tonight’s parish council report. Councillor Richard Williams would be scheduled to write the September report.
2124 County and District Councillors Report:
In the absence of our District Councillors there was no reports. County Council Dan Morehead stated he was still working with Mr Paul Green of Worcestershire Highways to resolve the speeding issues around the parish and would up-date us as necessary.
2125 Finances:
- Income and Expenditure spreadsheets previously circulated were approved.
- Accounts amounting to £1,109.59 as detailed on the expenditure spreadsheet circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting were approved for payment.
- Council approved the Annual Governance Statement for 2020-2021 and Authorised the Chairman and Clerk to sign them accordingly.
- The Council further Approved the Accounting Statements for 2020-2021 and Authorised the Chairman and Clerk to sign them accordingly.
- Council approved that all necessary paperwork for the Audit be completed by the Chairman and Clerk and submitted to PKF Littlejohn LLP accordingly.
2126 Date of the next Meeting
There being no other business the meeting ended at 7.40pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 27 September 2021. The Chairman thanked everybody for their attendance tonight and wished them a safe journey home.
Chairman 27 September 2021