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Rock Parish Council


Meeting date: Monday 25 October 2021 7pm

Venue: Far Forest Sports Pavilion


Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman), David Nott, Pat Pain, Sue Morris, Nick Stone, Emily Seldon, Chris Price, Douglas Godwin, Sally Watkins, and Sandra Woodhouse.

In attendance: 

Mr S Clee Clerk, County Councillor Dan Morehead, Mr and Mrs Skidmore, and Community Support Officer Jeni Bray


Councillors Andrew Croot, Colin Thornton, Christine Sankey, and District Councillor Roger Coleman.

2137  Confirmation of the Minutes:

The minutes of the last meeting held on 27 September 2021 as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman. Councillor Stone asked why no mention of the alleged incident that occurred outside following discussions around planning application No (028) - 21/0857/FUL at The Hill Farm was not recorded within the minutes. The clerk pointed out that the minutes reflect what goes on in the meeting room not outside. He stated that following an email from Mr Ben Nott, he had responded as follows

“The Council were appalled to hear you were accosted outside the hall after the public speaking took place last night. There is no justification for such loutish behaviour by our fellow citizens and we can not condone. Several Councillors spoke and condemned the behaviour after you told us. We do live in a democracy and everybody has the right to express their opinion in a free and open way”

2138  Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality.

  • There were none.
  • There were none.

2139  Public participation:

No members of the public wished to address the council.

2140  Planning applications:

030 21/0935/S73 Amendments to Planning Permission 20/0925/Ful to allow repositioning of plot and individual vehicle access points at Chapel Paddock, Chapel Lane, Callow Hill, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend for approval.

031 21/0958/HOU Reposition detached garage (as previously approved 17/0102/Full, implemented by completion of dwelling-house) and proposed solar panels within the rear amenity at Barratts Farm Cottage, Rectory Lane, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval and request that the temporary two year caravan be removed from the site.

032 21/0948/LBC Replacement of windows to main farmhouse at Whytehouse Farm, Greenway, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval.

033 21/0908/HOU Single storey side extension and erection of attached single garage at Grove End, Gorst Hill, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval.

034 21/0953/S73 Removal of condition 5 (personal permission) attached to WF/1105/04 High Meadows, Boraston Road, Bliss Gate, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval provided the personal permission is moved into the name of the new owners for the sole use of the owners of High Meadow only.

035 21/0954/FUL Change of use of additional land for the keeping of horses at High Meadow, Boraston Road, Bliss Gate, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval providing it is used by the owners of High Meadow only and not used for commercial activities.

036 21/0984/HOU Proposed amendment to angle of existing roofline and raising of ridge to provide additional first floor accommodation and remodelling and extension of existing basement at The Beacons, Heightington Road, Heightington.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval.

2141 Correspondence and update sheet:

Councillor Richard Williams agreed to write tonight’s parish council report. Councillor Sally Watkins would write the November report.

2142 County and district councillors report:

County Councillor Dan Morehead updated Council on the current status around speeding within the parish. He stated he had agreed to fund 3 sets of painted “roundels” along Callow Hill which will clearly define the speed limits between the “gated entries”.

2143 Finances:                                                      

  • Income and expenditure spreadsheets previously circulated were approved.
  • Accounts amounting to £12,403.29 as detailed on the expenditure spreadsheet previously circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting were approved for payment.
  • Council noted nine applicants applied for a Community Grant this year and RESOLVED to pay £555.00 to each of the following organisations: Nightstop, Rock Sports Football Club, Clows Top Village Hall, Far Forest School PTA, Little Acorns, Rock and Far Forest Nursing Charity, Heightington Village Hall, Far Forest Village Hall, Far Forest Scouts.
  • It was resolved to pay the Churchyard maintenance grants.

2144  Date of the next meeting

There being no other business the meeting ended at 9.10pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 22 November 2021. The Chairman thanked everybody for their attendance tonight and wished them a safe journey home.

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