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Rock Parish Council


Meeting date: Monday 24 May 2021

Minutes of the Rock Parish Council Meeting, held for the first-time face to face and also via Microsoft Team for members of the Council who were unable to attend in person, on Monday 24 May 2021 commencing at 7pm.

Present: Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman) David Nott; Andrew Croot;  Jim Lawson; Sandra Woodhouse; Sally Watkins;  Christine Sankey; Nick Stone; Sue Morris; Douglas Godwin; Chris Price and Nick Stones both met via Teams.

In attendance: Mr S Clee, Clerk; County Councillor Dan Morehead, Alistair Scott, Mr and Mrs Glover, Mrs Glover, Mrs Pat Hodges and Mr Ben Jones.

Apologies: Councillors Coiln Thornton and Sue Morris

2097 Confirmation of the Minutes:

The minutes of the last meeting held on 26 April 2021 as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the chairman.

2098 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality.

  1. Councillor Sally Watkins declared an interest as an adjoining resident in Casa Mia and Keys Meadow Planning Applications. Councillor Pat Pain declared an interest in Keys Meadow Application being a personal friend of the applicants.
  2. There were none.

2099 Public Participation:

Mr Glover addressed Council expressing his concerns at the Keys Meadow Planning Application. Mr Ben Jones resident of Callow Hill and Mrs Pat Hodges both spoke about the volume of traffic using Callow Hill and the number ignoring the 40MPH speed limits. The Chairman introduced our newly elected County Councillor Dan Morehead who is the best person to relay the parishioners concerns in this matter back to Worcestershire County Council Highways.

2100 Planning Applications:

  • 005: 21/0455/FUL Donkey shelter and change of use of a small area of agricultural land for garden use at Falklands House, Dunley Road, Heightington.
    It was RESOLVED to support this application.
  • 006: 21/0463/HOU Erection of an Oak Framed tiled gazebo at Morefield House Heightington Road.
    It was RESOLVED to support this application.
  • 007: 21/0439/HOU Two storey front extension at Stepping Stones Cottage, Station Road, Far Forest.
    It was RESOLVED to support this application.
  • 008: 21/0103/FUL Erection of two detached single storey buildings to create two-bed residential units at Casa Mia Far Forest.
    It was RESOLVED to recommend Approval with a condition that the external lighting around the rear of Casa Mia be restricted as floodlighting is covering the gardens of adjoining properties day and night.
  • 009: 21/0521/HOU First floor extension to form bedroom and bathroom at Alton Villa, Buckeridge Bank.
    It was RESOLVED to recommend Approval for this application.
  • 010: 21/0389/OUT Construction of 5 no Detached Dwellings on land adjoining Keys Meadow New Road, Far Forest.
    It was RESOLVED to recommend Refusal for this application for the following reasons:
    • Outside the approved settlement boundary
    • Has not been considered a site worthy of insertion into the emerging Local Plan
    • Severe Highway problems will be incurred due to its proximity to the successful primary school
    • The local Severn Trent drainage system could not withstand the added numbers on to the current system

2101 Correspondence and Update Sheet:

Councillor Mrs Pat Pain agreed to write tonight’s parish council report. Councillor Ms Sandra Woodhouse would be scheduled to write the June report. The Clerk raised a letter he had received from Parkinson Wright Solicitors relating to the Title Deeds for the Land the Parish Council owns and maintains at Rectory Lane Rock. It was resolved to authorise the Clerk to proceed with the amendments to the “register of title” with HM Land Registry immediately.

2102 County and District Councillors Report:

In the absence of our District Councillors there were no reports. Our newly elected County Councillor was warmly welcomed to his first meeting. He stated he had only been elected 2 weeks but already Highway related matters had been a big problem in his post bag. He stated he was meeting tomorrow with Mr Paul Green and he would raise these issues and report back to Rock PC at a future meeting.

2103 Approved meeting dates

The Council approved the Draft Meeting dates circulated on the green paper.

2104 Appointment to committees

  1. Finance Working Group (Richard Williams, Colin Thornton, Mrs Pain, Sandra Woodhouse, Sue Morris, Chris Price.
  2. Emergency Working Group (Andrew Croot, Sandra Woodhouse, Christine Sankey, Mr Nott)
  3. Planning and Parish Plan Working Group (Andrew Croot, Richard Williams, Chris Price, Douglas Godwin, Sandra Woodhouse, Sally Watkins & David Nott)

2105 Finances:

  1. Income and Expenditure spreadsheets previously circulated were approved.
  2. Accounts amounting to £1,081.61 as detailed on the expenditure spreadsheet circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting were approved for payment.
  3. Mr Peter Phillips was approved to be our Internal Auditor for 2021-22 municipal year.
  4. Council noted the recovery of £1,426.72 from HM Customs and Revenue for VAT for the 2020-2021 municipal year.

2106 Date of the next Meeting

There being no other business the meeting ended at 20.00pm. At this point Jim Lawson stood up and stated he was returning his Lanyard and Council Bible and would be resigning immediately and walked out. The next meeting will be held on Monday 28th June 2021. The Chairman thanked everybody for their attendance tonight and wished them a safe journey home.

Chairman 28 June 2021


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