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Rock Parish Council


Meeting date: Monday 20 December 2021 7pm

Venue: Far Forest Sports Pavilion


Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman), Pat Pain, Christine Sankey, Sue Morris, and Sandra Woodhouse.

In attendance: 

Mr S Clee Clerk and Community Support Officer Jeni Bray


Councillors Chris Price, Colin Thornton, David Nott, Nick Stone, Emily Seldon, Douglas Godwin, Andrew Croot, Sally Watkins, district councillor Roger Coleman and county councillor Dan Morehead.

2146 Confirmation of the Minutes:

The minutes of the last meeting held on 29 November 2021 as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.

2147 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality.

  1. Councillor Williams declared an interest in Planning App No 043 as the applicant was a neighbour. Councillor Ms Woodhouse declared an interest in Planning App No 045 as the applicant was a neighbour. Councillor Nott declared an interest in Planning App No 041 as the application was from his Son Ben and on Land adjoining his farm
  2. There were none.

2148 Public participation:

No members of the public present.

2149 Planning applications:

050 21/1122/HOU Replacement garage at Bine Cottage, Bine Lane, Bliss Gate.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

051 21/1127/FUL Demolition of existing cabin and construction of new cabin/office under amendment to 21/0332/FUL at Far Forest Society Sports Club.

It was RESOLVED to support this application with a recommendation that the replacement Cabin/Office is not used for residential use.

052 21/1138/HOU Siting of Mobile Home at Whytehouse Farm, Greenway, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend Refusal for this application. The mobile caravan as not been situated there for 12 months as stated. Council believes this is a back door attempt to seek a permanent use. Rock Parish Council believes the Wyre Forest District Council policy of not supporting any more holiday homes or residential caravans should be adhered to.

053 21/1167/HOU Home Office/Gym Outbuilding at Goddess Farm, Change of use of agricultural building to a single Dwelling at Gorst Hill Farmhouse, Greenway, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to support this application but would like to see a condition that proposed Home Office/Gym is not used for commercial or residential use and that a condition be placed on the application if approved that the building cannot be sold separately to Goddess Farmhouse.

2150 County and district councillors report:

In the absence of our county and district councillor’s there were no reports.

2151 Finances:                                                      

  • Income and expenditure spreadsheets previously circulated were approved.
  • Invoices amounting to £9,837.12 were approved

2152  Date of the next meeting

There being no other business the meeting ended at 7.34pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 31 Janaury 2022. The Chairman thanked everybody for their attendance tonight and wished them a safe journey home.

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