Rock Parish Council
Meeting date: Monday 27 September 2021
Venue: Sports Pavilion, Callow Hill, DY12 9DB
Please observe Covid-19 social distancing and wear a face covering at all times.
1. Apologies for absence and election of councillor to fill casual vacancy and Declaration of Acceptance to Office till May 2023.
2. Confirmation and signing of minutes of Parish Council Meetings on 26 July 2021
3. Declarations of Interest
- Register of Interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests
- To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their nature
- To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature.
Councillors who have declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, or an Other Disclosable Interest, which falls with the terms of paragraph 12(4)(b) of the Code of Conduct and who have not been granted a Dispensation, must leave the room for the relevant items.
Failure to register or declare a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest may result in the commission of a criminal offence.
d. To Consider Written Requests from Councillors for the Council to Grant a Dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011). Written requests to be with the clerk at least 4 clear days prior to a meeting.
Members of the public listed on the Parish Electoral Register are invited to address the Council on any issue concerning the Parish. (limited to 15 minutes)
4. Planning Matters
- Planning Decisions Notified by Wyre Forest District Council: (See Planning update sheet Crème)
- Applications to be Considered by the Parish Council: (See also update sheet)
Our reference |
Planning application number |
Description |
022 |
21/0720/HOU |
Proposed single storey rear extension, modification of various existing windows and internal / external alterations at Willow Acre, Bliss Gate Road, Rock. |
023 |
21/0782/FUL |
Change of use of agricultural land to mixed Equine/Agricultural use, together with construction of a stable block for 2 horses and tack room at Ivy Cottage, Greenway, Rock. |
024 |
21/0801/FUL |
Erection of 4 new dwellings with associated landscaping works. Development to incorporate the temporary siting of containers for storage purposes associated with the development at Victory Hall, Tenbury Road, Clows Top. |
025 |
21/0841/OUT |
Erection of two bungalows (outline: all matters reserved except for access) at Land At, Jays Meadow, Callow Hill. |
026 |
21/0750/HOU |
Retrospective change of use of land to glamping business to operate seasonally from April to September each year, including 5 bell tents, 5 shower/toilet hut/wagons and ancillary cooking shed. Retrospective planning permission sought for 2 x 6m bell tents with timber toilet/shower units and a timber camping kitchen/log store. Permission sought in advance for a further 3 bell tents with moveable toilet/shower units on trailer bases at Dovedale House, Long Bank DY12 2UN. |
027 |
21/0856/FUL |
Alterations to existing shop layout, single storey rear extension to shop, alterations to existing elevations to form new shop entrance and new shopfronts. Alterations of pedestrian access. Part demolition of existing out buildings. Adjustment to boundary and alterations to adjacent property to form new Driveway at Forest Stores And Post Office, Cleobury Road, Far Forest. |
028 |
21/0857/FUL |
Change of use of land for the siting of a five glamping pods, tipi for wedding events with associated parking area and new track at The Hill Farm Cottage, Organs Hill, Rock. |
5. Correspondence and Progress Reports – All correspondence available to inspect from 6.30pm
6. County, District and Parish Councillors Report(s) Note Councillor Mr Richard Williams is writing the Parish Report today and Councillor Mr Colin Thornton in October 2021.
7. The Colliers Arms – Councillor Nick Stones
8. Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations as per briefing note No 76
9. Finances
- Invoices for Payment
- Income and Expenditure Sheets (purple paper)
- Parish grant applications
8. Date of the next meeting Monday 25th Ocotber 2021.