Minutes of the Rock Parish Council Meeting held via Microsoft Team due to the Corona-virus crisis and the fact that everybody should be self-isolating on Monday 30th March 2020 commencing at 7.00pm.
Present: Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman); Andrew Croot; Christopher Price; Colin Thornton; Sandra Woodhouse; Sally Watkins; Christine Sankey; Sue Morris
In attendance: Mr S Clee Clerk & District Councillor’s Anna & Roger Coleman.
Apologies: Councillors Pat Pain, Jim Lawson & David Nott.
2073 Confirmation of the Minutes:
The minutes of the last meeting held on 24th February 2020 as previously circulated, were approved, and it was agreed they could be signed by the Chairman.
2074 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality.
A) There were none. B) There were none.
2075 Public Participation:
No member of the public had contacted any Councillors present or the Clerk to raise any matter on the agenda tonight.
2076 Planning Matters:
068 - 20/0205/PNR Change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling house (class C3) at Wadhouse Orchard, Dunley Road, Heightington.
RESOLVED to support.
069 - 20/0191/HOU Two storey rear and single storey side extension at Bliss Gate Cottage, Heightington Road, Bliss Gate, Rock.
RESOLVED to support.
070 - 20/0201/HOU Single storey rear extension with terrace above and glazed screen. Erection of detached triple bay garage at Hole Farm, Gibbett Bank, Buckeridge, Rock
RESOLVED to support.
071 - 20/0220/FUL Construction of domestic access road, at Greylands, Boraston Road, Bliss Gate, Rock.
RESOLVED to recommend refusal for this application on Highway Safety grounds especially as there is a perfectly adequate existing access drive. This application would be an inappropriate use of agricultural land.
072 - 20/0193/FUL Temporary caravan for a period of 2 years to enable temporary residential accommodation during the construction works approved under planning application 19/0703/FULL at Chapel Paddock, Chapel Lane, Callow Hill, Rock.
RESOLVED to support this application provided the caravan is removed on completion of the second bungalow or at the end of the two years whichever is sooner.
2077 County & District Councillor’s Report:
District Councillor Anna Coleman reported the County Council Household Waste Site on the Stourport Road in Kidderminster had been closed without warning due to the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Concern was expressed that this will lead to increased fly-tipping on our Country Lanes. It was noted a detailed written report had been circulated from County Cllr Rebecca Vale.
2078 Parish Magazine:
Councillor Mr Christopher Price is writing tonight’s report for the Parish Magazine and Councillor Richard Williams will write the April report.
2079 Emergency Delegation of Authority:
Council RESOLVED to approve the following resolution “extending the delegation of Council decisions to the Clerk, in conjunction with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and or Past Chairman during any period of restricted activity declared by the Government in respect of the Covid-19 virus” It was noted this delegation would be rescinded once operational matters resumed to normal after this covid-19 pandemic.
2080 Litter Picking around the Parish :
Councillor Sally Watkins briefed Council on the recently created “Rock Parish Blitz Crew” created to target specific black spots around the parish in need of additional attention. She confirmed the group were not looking at stopping or duplicating the work our lengthsman currently does and indeed it was felt closer liaison between the group and our lengthsman was necessary. Dis Councillor Anna Coleman offered to donate £200.00 towards this project from her local fund.
It was RESOLVED to spend £200.00 to purchase vests and litter pick sticks to assist with the aims of the RPBC. It was agreed the agreed litter pick dates needed to be widely promoted on all our notice boards and within the Parish Magazine.
2081 Finances:
- Accounts amounting to £6,144.38 as detailed on the expenditure spreadsheet circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting were approved for payment.
- The Council noted the final Income & Expenditure Spreadsheets circulated to date for the 2019-2020 Municipal Year.
- It was noted no additional Income or Expenditure was likely now as our financial year ends on 31st March 2020. It was RESOLVED to approve the Clerk in association with the Chairman produce the annual accounts ready for External Inspection by the approved Auditors Messrs PKF Littlejohn.
2082 : Parish Covid-19 Household Leaflet
In the absence of Councillor Nick Stones, it was RESOLVED to delegate to a small working group to discuss a way forward regarding the potential finalisation of a leaflet to all households within the Parish on who to contact during the Covid 19 – virus pandemic. Councillor Colin Thornton agreed to brief Councillor Stones.
2083 Date of the next Meeting
There being no other business the meeting ended at 20.40pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 30th April 2020 via Microsoft Team Webcast.
27th April 2020