Minutes of the Rock Parish Council Meeting held via Microsoft Team due to the Corona-virus crisis and the fact that everybody should be self-isolating on Monday 28th April 2020 commencing at 7.00pm.
Present: Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman); Andrew Croot; Christopher Price; Colin Thornton; Sandra Woodhouse; Sally Watkins; Christine Sankey; Sue Morris; Jim Lawson; Nick Stones; David Nott
In attendance: Mr S Clee Clerk, District Councillor Roger Coleman, Mrs Anne Watson Clerk at Mamble and Mrs Lesley Bruton Clerk at Tenbury Wells.
Apologies: Councillors Pat Pain & District Councillor Anna Coleman
2084 Confirmation of the Minutes:
The minutes of the last meeting held on 30th March 2020 as previously circulated, were approved, and it was agreed they could be signed by the Chairman.
2085 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality.
A) There were none. B) There were none.
2086 Public Participation: No member of the public had contacted any Councillors present or the Clerk to raise any matter on the agenda tonight.
2087 Planning Matters:
001 - 20/0120/FUL Erection of detached dwelling house and associated Parking and landscaping, following demolition of commercial building and closing up of existing access. New access via new driveway off existing access as permitted under planning permission 17/0676/Full and amended under 19/0216/FULL at The Drive, Bliss Gate Road, Rock.
RESOLVED to support.
002 - 19/0798/FUL Erection of 3No. 3 bedroom bungalows (C3) with garages and associated parking and works at LAND TO THE REAR OF, ROYAL FORESTER, ROCK, DY14 9XW.
RESOLVED to recommend refusal to this application. The development is outside the settlement boundary and there are serious concerns from neighbours about problems with drainage from the site affecting properties further down Bliss Gate Road. Car parking is a major concern aggravated by fact that the previous overflow car park now being proposed as a building site. There is no indication on the plans of the area hitherto set aside for the children’s play area. Is this to be removed and the area made available for parking? This area reduces the available space for car parking and its absence from the plans gives an erroneous impression of the available space.
The demarcated area on the plan, supposedly set aside for a footpath from the A456 to Bliss Gate Road has no means of preventing vehicles being parked on it. Access with Wheelchairs or prams would be extremely difficult when the car park is busy. Since this feature is used as a positive aspect of the application, RPC feels that the area should be reserved for pedestrian use only and clearly marked out as a no parking area. This would also detract from the available parking area.
The area occupied by the added wooden building used as a snooker room does not appear to be on the drawing and reduces available parking space.
Areas which have previously been occupied by outdoor tables and seating have not been included in the plans. This, again, gives an incorrect impression of the space available for parking.
The area previously occupied by the Marquee/Wigwam has not been included either, with the same misleading impression of the available space. How can we be sure that this will not be erected again with a further reduction in parking space at the same time as increasing the need for parking?
Without some clarification of the exact space which will be permanently available for off road parking, in the light of experience, it is difficult to believe that an extra nine spaces will be adequate. All that this will do is displace visitors to the Royal Forrester onto the Bliss Gate Road. With these highways concerns and the fact that the land is outside the settlement boundary the Rock Parish Council recommends refusal.
003 - 19/0810/FUL Revised farm access and driveway at OLD HALL BARNS, TENBURY ROAD, CLOWS TOP, ROCK, DY14 9HE
RESOLVED to recommend refusal for this application. The Access Gate in the middle of the field was supported for agricultural use only. It is totally inappropriate for a gate in the middle of the field to now be considered for access to any domestic dwellings. Council believes it’s a misuse of good agricultural land. The proposed layout for a new road falls over one of the wettest parts of the field. This always floods the A456 during heavy rains because of the contour of this field. Drainage and Road Safety are paramount in the Councils recommendation for refusal.
004 - 20/0276/FUL Erection of replacement dwellinghouse with associated works, following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings at The Drive, Bliss Gate Road, Rock
RESOLVED to recommend approval.
005 - 20/0308/PNR Change of Agricultural building to Dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) Land and Buildings on The East Side Of, Bine Lane, Bliss Gate, Rock.
RESOLVED to support this application provided the applicant can sufficiently provide evidence that the barn was used for agricultural use up to and beyond 2013.
2088 County & District Councillor’s Report:
District Councillor Roger Coleman reported the District Council had paid out 75% of grant funding given to them by Central Government to help local businesses during the current pandemic. Councillor Coleman praised the Parish Council for its proactive response to the Convid-19 Virus. It was noted a County Councillor’s briefing note had been circulated from County Cllr Rebecca Vale.
2089 Parish Magazine:
Councillor Mr Richard Williams is writing tonight’s report for the Parish Magazine and Councillor Colin Thornton will write the May report. The Chairman thanked the Clerk for his weekly briefing notes that had been sent to all councillors during this lockdown period.
2090 Finances:
- Accounts amounting to £2,342.00 as detailed on the expenditure spreadsheet circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting were approved for payment.
- The Council noted retrospective approval for expenditure for postage amounting to £988.00 had been made since our last meeting using the adopted emergency approval procedures.
- A new year Income or Expenditure sheets were approved. It was noted a grant of £400.00 had been made to the Parish Council by District Councillor Ms Calne Edginton-White.
2091 Date of the next Meeting
There being no other business the meeting ended at 20.00pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 25th May 2020 via Microsoft Team Webcast.
25th May 2020