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Minutes of the Rock Parish Council AGM Meeting held in Heightington Village Hall on Monday 27th January 2020 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present: Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman); Jim Lawson; David Nott; Colin Thornton; Sandra Woodhouse; Pat Pain; Christine Sankey; Sally Watkins; Christopher Price; Nick Stone; Andrew Croot

In attendance: Mr S Clee Clerk, Lengthsman Colin Link, District Councillor’s Anna & Roger Coleman, County Councillor Rebecca Vale & 10 members of the public.

Apologies: Councillor’s Sue Morris.

2054 Confirmation of the Minutes:

The minutes of the last meeting held on 16th December 2019 as previously circulated were approved and signed by the Chairman.

2055 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality;

A) Councillors, Croot, Lawson, Nott, Stone, Thornton, Watkins & Woodhouse declared they had received an email relating to Planning Application 20/0013. Land adjacent Victory Hall Clows Top. But had come to the meeting with an open mind.

B) Councillor Woodhouse declared an interest in 19/0787 having submitted a personal objection to the planning department. She played no part in the discussions or vote taken.

2056 Public Participation:

Mr Rob Wall of RCA Regeneration on behalf of Piper Homes gave a presentation on a Housing Scheme they have been consulting residents at Far Forest on. The Scheme was to develop 25 dwellings on 4.2 acres off Plough Lane. Consultation had taken place with over 100 local residents over recent weeks. Various issues had been identified from School access to the drainage system on the south west end of the site.

The Chairman invited questions from both the public and councillors present. Sewrage, widening the road, adoption of the lane, ecological survey, tree survey, potential harm to the SSSI, damage to wildlife, lighting and a dark sky policy were all issues raised.

The Chairman thanked Mr Wall and his team for their presentation.

Mr Pete Jackson Director of TLC based in Bewdley gave a very informative presentation on his company and the work they do within our parish caring for residents in need of home care and remaining in the own home rather than putting pressure on hospitals and Worcestershire County Council Social Services. The Chairman thanked Mr Jackson for his presentation and the meeting resumed at 19.29 hours.

2057 County & District Councillor’s Report:

County Councillor Rebecca Vale stated an order last week had been signed off to extend the TRO along Lye Head Road to stop motorists from parking adjoining the junction with Callow Hill. District Councillor Roger Coleman referred to the emerging WFDC Policy to increase car park charges and remove the Free 1 Hour parking. 3,000 residents had signed petitions in Bewdley to oppose the policy. It was felt there was a lack of public engagement around these proposals.

2058 Planning Matters:

049 19/0775/OUTL Outline application for erection of 2No. Dwellings (Access to be considered) at LAND AT CALLOW HILL, ROCK, KIDDERMINSTER, DY149XG.

RESOLVED to support with no objections as the site was within the settlement boundary.

050 19/0787/FULL Change of use of land to site thirteen holiday lodges, demolition of two buildings, development of access track, sewage treatment plant, erection of storage building and associated landscaping at OLIVE TREE, BUCKERIDGE LANE, ROCK, DY149DF.

It was RESOLVED to recommend refusal for this application as the Council believes its inappropriate development within the rural location together with poor access off the A456. Concern was expressed about the lack of suitable drainage and damage it could cause the the adjoining SSSI Land. The dangers for the protected species on the site were also given as reasons for refusal together with scheme being against Wyre Forest District Council’s own policy SAL.CC1 and Policy CP02 of the current Adopted Core Strategy.

051 19/0798/FULL Erection of 3No. 3 bedroom bungalows (C3) with garages and associated parking and works at LAND TO THE REAR OF, ROYAL FORESTER, ROCK, DY149XW.

It was RESOLVED to recommend refusal for this application as the Council believes its an inappropriate development in a rural location and outside the settlement boundary. Concern was expressed at the lack of car parking provision for visitors to the Royal Forester Inn especially with the need for additional spaces for the B&B guests. Highway safety was paramount in the councils considerations as Bliss Gate Road was not suitable for any alternative use.

052 19/0762/FULL Erection of 1No. detached dwellinghouse, including new vehicle access at 2 ALTON NURSERIES, LONGBANK, BEWDLEY, DY12 2UL.

RESOLVED to support.

053 19/0810/FULL New farm access and driveway at OLD HALL FARM, TENBURY ROAD, CLOWS TOP,DY14 9HE.

It was RESOLVED to recommend refusal on highway grounds. There is an existing access track To the properties and Council believes agricultural land should not be encroached upon to gain additional access to the new dwellings.

054 20/0013/FULL Erection of 5 new dwellings and resurfacing and regularisation of adjacent car park at LAND ADJACENT TO VICTORY HALL, TENBURY ROAD, CLOWS TOP,DY14 9HG.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval subject to highways satisfaction and the installation of a footway being provided for residents who live along the Terrace off the Worcester Road onto the Clows Top Site. 0468 055 20/0014/FULL First floor rear extension at YEW TREE COTTAGE, ROCK, DY14 9YP.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval.

056 20/3002/PNRES Change of use of Agricultural Buildings to Dwellinghouses (Class C3) at CONNINGSWICK FARM, GREENWAY, ROCK,DY14 9SG.

It was RESOLVED to note this application.

2059 Correspondence & Update Sheet: Council noted the Wyre Forest District Council consultation letter relating to proposed changes to the (Off-Street Parking Places Order 2020).

It was RESOLVED to send a letter of objection to the proposals together with objections to the proposal to create a temporary car park on the Crown House Site in Kidderminster when the building is finally removed. Council believes the original scheme for a grassed open space where shoppers can sit and relax around the banks of the River Stour that flows through the centre of Kidderminster encouraging wildlife into the scheme was a much better proposition.

2060 Parish Magazine:

Councillor Andrew Croot is writing tonight’s report for the Parish Magazine and Councillor Sandra Woodhouse to write the February report.

2061 Bus Shelter at Bliss Gate:

Councillor Woodhose asked the Parish Council to consider the installation of a Bus Shelter for local School Children and Residents who stand at Bliss Gate every day for public transport. The site had previously been considered by the Council and it was hoped at the time that any future development on the former Bliss Gate Inn could take into account a scheme to install a Bus Shelter. It was suggested a local land owner adjoining Borraston Road may be approachable to allowing the Council to use a corner of his land. Councillor Thornton agreed to approach him.

2062 Finances:

a) Accounts amounting to £662.86 as detailed on the expenditure spreadsheet were approved for payment.

b) The Council noted the Income & Expenditure Spreadsheets circulated to date for the 2019- 2020 Municipal Year.

2062 Date of the next Meeting

There being no other business the meeting ended at 20.35pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 24th February 2020 at Heightington Village Hall.

24th February 2020

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