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Minutes of the Rock Parish Council Meeting held via Microsoft Team due to the Corona-virus crisis and the fact that everybody should be self-isolating on Monday 26 October 2020 commencing at 7pm.


Councillors : Richard Williams (Chairman); David Nott; Andrew Croot; Christopher Price; Pat Pain; Colin Thornton; Sandra Woodhouse; Jim Lawson; Sally Watkins; Christine Sankey; Douglas Godwin; Nick Stone

Mr S Clee Clerk, District Councillors Anna and Roger Coleman.



2037 Confirmation of the Minutes:

The minutes of the last meeting held on 28 September 2020 as previously circulated, were approved, and it was agreed they could be signed by the Chairman.

2038 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality.

A) Cllr Ms Sally Watkins declared an interest in the Grants Applications being a member of the Far Forest Sports Pavilion. Councillor Andrew Croot declared an interest in the Far Forest Scouts & Guides being their secretary. Councillor Richard Williams declared an interest in the Far Forest Society and Councillor Jim Lawson declared an interest in the Bliss Gates Village Fields being the Land Trustee.

B) There were none.

2039 Public Participation:

Mr Martin Winfield gave a brief outline of the changes in his new application, 20/0511/HOU which is to be discussed later in this meeting, and answered questions from Councillors. Councillor Watkins raised an issue about disposal of water from the swimming pool and Mr Winfield said he would look into the matter.

2040 Planning applications


Existing granary for conversion into habitable accommodation at Whytehouse Farm, Greenway, Rock

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval provided it was conditioned that the conversion was not detached from the existing dwelling and or sold separately.


Existing granary for conversion into habitable accommodation at Whytehouse Farm, Greenway, Rock

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval.


Removal of Conditions 6,8 and 10 attached to Planning Permission 20/0276/Full at The Drive, Bliss Gate Road, Rock

It was RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL. Council believes the previously approved planning application and conditions should be adhered too. The new access, given permission under a previous application, was conditional on the closure of the old access and, as such, notwithstanding the reported new ownership of the area around the barns, closure of the old access, condition 6, should be enforced in the interests of improved road safety. Since access to the Dutch style barns will now have to be via the new access, it may be considered that gates of some description are needed. RPC feels that condition 8 should remain until this issue has been resolved It is felt that removal of Permitted Development Rights, condition 10, should remain at least until the new building has been completed in accordance with the approved plans.


Renewal of temporary planning permission for siting of an agricultural workers dwelling at Bransley Farm, Gorst Hill.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.


Erection of a single storey outbuilding containing swimming pool at the Swathes, Buckeridge.

It was RESOLVED to support this application provided it is a condition that it is

for the sole private use of the owners of the Swathes.


Construction of an all weather paddock at Greylands, Boraston Road, Bliss Gate.

It was RESOLVED to support this application provided the facility is for the sole use of the owners at Greylands. It was also requested no new access points are constructed off Boraston Road, and that no flood lights are used on the all weather area.


Installation of a flue for new log burner at Greenaway House, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.


Single storey rear extension at Old Williams Cottage, Heightington Road, Bliss Gate.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.


Felling of Oak Tree at Catswell Farm, Kinlet Road, Far Forest.

It was RESOLVED to support this application provided a significant mature Oak is planted in its place.


Reserve matters application for the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping following outline consent on 19/0775 for 2 dwellings at Land adj Bay Trees, Callow Hill.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.


Variation to condition 2 attached to planning application 18/0585 at Treacle Hall, Lye Head Road.

It was RESOLVED to recommend refusal for this application. Council were astonished, and confused by the fact that, for the original application, the planners broke their own rules about the 40:60 Live/work ratio and permitted a 60:40 ratio instead.

The revised plans suggest that at 99sq m / 42 sq m, this ratio is now even more loaded towards the Live element.

We try to use the Planning department rules to help us arrive at an informed recommendation, and even if we consider that the Planners rule is now 60:40 Live Work, we still have no alternative but to recommend refusal."

2041 Parish Magazine:

Councillor Nick Stone agreed to write tonight’s parish council report. Councillor David Nott would be scheduled to write the November report.

2042 County & District Councillors Report:

Councillor Roger Coleman gave a verbal update on the increase in Covid-19 cases over the past week in Wyre Forest. He also stated the District Council are relaxing the 11 month rule for Mobile Caravan Parks which currently calls for all sites to vacate for 1 month usually in January. This temporary lifting is just for 2021 due to Covid -19 restrictions.

2043 Finances:

a) 9 applications for community support were received from, Wyre Forest Nightstop, Far Forest Scouts & Guides, Far Forest Village Hall, Far Forest Friendship Group, Little Acorns Playgroup at Clows Top, Bliss Gate Village Fields, Far Forest & Rock RBL, Heightington Village Hall & The Far Forest Society.

It was RESOLVED to give each group an equal amount from the £5,000 allocated grants fund. Namely £555.00 each for the 2020-2021 year.

It was further RESOLVED to give grant aid to Far Forest Church & St Peters & Heightington for grants towards the Churchyard grass cutting of £250.00 each. It was also RESOLVED to give a £50.00 grant to the Rock & District Footpath Society.

b) Accounts amounting to £6,197.59 as detailed on the expenditure spreadsheet circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting were approved for payment.

2044 Date of the next Meeting

There being no other business the meeting ended at 20.15pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 26th November 2020 via Microsoft Team Webcast.

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