Minutes of the Rock Parish Council Meeting held in Heightington Village Hall on Monday 24th February 2020 commencing at 7.00pm.
Present: Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman); Jim Lawson; David Nott; Colin Thornton; Sandra Woodhouse; Pat Pain; Christine Sankey; Douglas Godwin; Christopher Price; Nick Stone; Andrew Croot
In attendance: Mr S Clee Clerk, Lengthsman Colin Link, District Councillor’s Anna & Roger Coleman & 34 members of the public.
Apologies: Councillors Sue Morris & Sally Watkins.
2063 Confirmation of the Minutes:
The minutes of the last meeting held on 27th January 2020 as previously circulated, were approved, and signed by the Chairman.
2064 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality;
A) Councillor Richard Williams declared he lived in Plough Lane but had no personal interest in Planning Application 20/0078/OUT and had come to the meeting with an open mind. Councillor Woodhouse declared an interest in 20/0112/FUL having submitted a personal objection to the planning department. She left the room when this matter was debated and played no part in the discussions or subsequent vote.
B) There were none.
2065 Public Participation:
Several members of the public had attended to speak on Planning Application 200078/OUT at Plough Lane. Mrs Pauline Williams raised objections as to the suitability and sustainability of this location. No mention is made of improvements to the Lane and it’s very narrow sections. There is an abundance of Wildlife and Protected Species adjoining the SSSI and no mention is made of these. The Plans submitted on the Wyre Forest District Council website have no Biodiversity or Ecology Reports.
Mr Peter Ray stated that the Lane is only a footpath in parts and not a through Road. These proposals give no thought to the tightness of the Lane for Building Material Deliveries and it is completely unsustainable.
Mr Steve Bowen stated that no HGV Lorry had been able to travel along the Lane since 1976. The Local District Council had to purchase a smaller dustcart as their usual one got stuck in the Lane. He stated that he had been maintaining the surface of the Lane since the 1960s and Rock Parish Council had previously given the community a grant to resurface parts of the unadopted Lane.
Mrs Carol Pulford stated the proposed development is on Wetland and an Ancient Field. She had found it difficult to access the Ecology Report for this development.
Mr Dave Picket stated that the recent Wyre Forest District Council Local Plan Review had not identified a need in Far Forest for such a large development.
Ms Susan Limbrey stated that she was very concerned about the Ecology issues surrounding this proposal.
Following this discussion the Chairman then invited members of the public to address the Council on the Planning Application 20/0078/OUT at Fingerpost Cottage.
Mrs Julie Layton stated that this application was exactly the same as Planning Application No 18/0668/FUL, discussed, and recommended for refusal, in September 2018 by Rock Parish Council. She believes the reasons for refusal then, still apply now and are;
The Site is outside the settlement boundary. It’s contrary to WFDC Policy DS04. It’s a Semi Rural Residential Area and as such the proposed development would cause a disturbance to residents from Noise and Dust. Concern was also expressed at the visual impact damage to local households.
Mrs Eunice Hoare expressed concern about any damage to the trees and hedgerows currently protected by the adjoining SSSI. She feared for the damage that would be caused to the Wildlife and protected species.
Mrs Dawn Fisher referred to the serious dangers to motorists turning off the A456 onto the Cleobury Road and then needing to take an immediate right turn to access properties in front of Fingerpost Cottage. She added that her husband had, only recently, narrowly missed being hit by a motorist who tried to overtake him at speed whilst making a turn. The Junction is a County Council Blackspot for accidents and is a great concern for the Highways Department.
Mr Mark Layton stated that the applicant currently owned 7 F1 cars and that the garage to store these, without space for repairs and restorations, would need to be enormous.
At 19.37pm the Chairman thanked all members of the public for their contributions and stated that the points raised would be considered by the Parish Councillors when they debated the applications later on the agenda.
2066 Planning Matters:
057 - 20/0041/S73 Variation of condition 2 of Planning Permission 18/0037/FULL for two industrial units to allow changes in layout Alton Works, Long Bank, Bewdley, Worcestershire
RESOLVED to support with no objections.
058 - 20/0048/FUL Erection of building for holiday let, following demolition of existing commercial buildings and new access Westridge House, Jennings Wood Lane, Heightington.
RESOLVED to support this application provided it is a condition that the dwelling is tied into the existing property and not sold as a separate dwelling, It does not exceed the original buildings footprint and PD Rights are withdrawn.
059 - 20/0049/CLP Erection of outbuilding at The Swathes, Buckeridge. 0470
RESOLVED to support this certificate of lawfulness.
060 - 20/0059/FUL Change of use from Methodist Church to single dwelling at Callow Hill Methodist Church, Chapel Lane, Rock.
ESOLVED to support provided the applicant can give evidence that there is no local need for community use and that they comply with WFDC Policy of no development within 12 months after the building as been declared vacant.
061 - 19/0810/REV New Agricultural access for farm vehicles at OLD HALL FARM, TENBURY ROAD, CLOWS TOP,DY14 9HE.
RESOLVED to support the construction of an agricultural access into the field. Provided it is a condition that the access is only used for agricultural vehicles and that there is no future application for an extension of the track across the agricultural land to access the dwellings behind this site. Withdrawal of PD Rights would be the best way to remove this ability.
062 - 20/0086/FUL Erection of replacement dwelling house following demolition of existing dwelling house at Rushmere, Bliss Gate Road, Rock.
RESOLVED to support provided it’s within keeping in size and scale to the existing dwelling and PD Rights are withdrawn.
063 - 20/0078/OUT Residential development of up to 25 dwellings on land at Plough Lane, Far Forest, Rock.
RESOLVED to recommend refusal for this application for the following reasons;
- The application is outside the Settlement Boundary
- The application proposed is on Undeveloped Agricultural Land
- The land adjoins a very important SSSI and development so close will be very harmful to the protected species
- Highways – is a major problem as the only access is off an unadopted Lane.
- Development at this site would be out of keeping with the current Street Scene.
- The proposed development does not comply with the Parish Housing Needs Survey.
- The development is contrary to the WFDC policy SAL-DPL
- Contrary to national biodiversity policies
064 - 20/0092/FUL Change of use from existing annex/granny flat to holiday let Yew Tree Cottage, Greenway, Rock, Nr Kidderminster.
RESOLVED to support provided PD Rights are withdrawn and a condition placed that the annex is integral to the existing dwelling and is not to be divided or sold separately to the existing dwelling.
065 - 20/0112/FUL Proposed erection of a live/work unit with associated parking and works at Fingerpost Cottage, Cleobury Road, Far Forest, Rock
RESOLVED to recommend refusal for the following reasons;
- The application is outside the Settlement Boundary
- The application is on Undeveloped Land (for over 40 years there has been no structure on this land)
- The land adjoins a very important SSSI and development so close will be very harmful to the protected species
- Highways – adjoin one of the County’s worst black-spots for accidents in Worcestershire
- The site is nestled between several dwellings and development of this type would be harmful to resident’s well-being due to the noise and dust that would be generated from proposed usage
- Development at this site would be out of keeping with the current street scene The development should be located on an Industrial Estate and not within a residential area
066 - 20/0051/OUT Erection of 4no. dwelling houses (access to be considered) Land Adjacent, The Oxleys, Tenbury Road, Clows Top.
RESOLVED to recommend refusal to this application for the following reasons;
- Highways – access/egress is a major problem at this very busy location
- The application is outside the Settlement Boundary
- The application proposed is on Undeveloped Agricultural Land
- Development at this site would be out of keeping with the current street scene.
- The proposed development does not comply with the Parish Housing Needs Survey
- The development is contrary to the WFDC policy SAL-DPL
- Contrary to national biodiversity policies
067 20/0028/FUL Two storey rear extensions at RIDDINGS FARM, HEIGHTINGTON, ROCK, DY12 2XN.
RESOLVED to support with no objections.
2067 County & District Councillor’s Report:
District Councillor Roger Coleman referred to the recent WFDC meeting where the Local Plan was approved by the Council and will be subject to Public Inspection before being approved or amended by the Planning Inspector.
2068 Parish Magazine:
Councillor Miss Sandra Woodhouse is writing tonight’s report for the Parish Magazine and Councillor Christopher Price will write the March report.
2069 Worcestershire County Council Pollinator Strategy Consultation :
Council RESOLVED to support the Worcestershire County Council Pollinator Consultation Document.
2070 Amended Code of Conduct for Members :
Council RESOLVED to adopt the amended Code of Conduct for Elected Members. Members were presented with a lever arch file containing copies of the most up to date NALC Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, and various internal council policies previously adopted. The File will be regularly updated as and when legislation or circumstances change.
2071 Finances:
- Accounts amounting to £2,674.87 as detailed on the expenditure spreadsheet were approved for payment.
- The Council noted the Income & Expenditure Spreadsheets circulated to date for the 2019- 2020 Municipal Year.
2072 Date of the next Meeting
There being no other business the meeting ended at 20.40pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 30th March 2020 at Heightington Village Hall.
30th March 2020