Minutes of the Rock Parish Council AGM Meeting held in Heightington Village Hall on Monday 30th September 2019 commencing at 7.00pm.
Present: Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman); Jim Lawson; Ms Christine Sankey; Colin Thornton; Sandra Woodhouse; Pat Pain; Andrew Croot; Ms Sue Morris; Douglas Godwin; Christopher Price
In attendance: Mr S Clee Clerk, District Councillor’s Anna & Roger Coleman & 1 member of the public.
Apologies: Councillor’s Sally Watkins, Nick Stones & Mr Colin Link Lengthsman. There was no apology for absence from Councillor David Nott.
2011 Confirmation of the Minutes:
The minutes of the last meeting held on 29th July 2019 as previously circulated were approved and signed by the Chairman.
2012 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality;
A) There were none. B) There were none.
2013 Public Participation:
No public comments were made.
2014 County & District Councillor’s Report:
District Councillor Roger Coleman informed council there had been a disturbance at the weekend along Callow Hill when the Lucy Caravan Site had held a “rave” which involved a large number of visiting people to the site causing a disturbance affecting local residents.
He reported the Wyre Forest District Council had announced a £2.5 million deficit which they needed to reverse by 31st March 2020. Restructuring of services and transfer of assets to Parish and Town Councils were now high on the WFDC agenda. Assets being discussed with Bewdley Town Council include the Guildhall, Bewdley Museum and Jubilee Gardens.
Anna Coleman stated if Parish & Town Councils did not accept the assets and maintain them in future years they would be lost forever. She referred to the transfer of Wyre Hill Play Area recently transferred to BTC as an example. The Clerk informed Councillor Anna Coleman Rock Parish Council had agreed a transfer of a Play Area in Oak Leaf Rise, Far Forest 18 months ago from WFDC. Had Rock PC not taken this action the residents of Far Forest would have lost this community asset forever.
In the absence of all our County Councillor there was no report.
2015 Planning Matters:
19/0491/FULL Erection of two storey and single storey side extension, front porch, following demolition of side extension and garage at SUMMERHILL HOUSE, ROCK, KIDDERMINSTER, DY149DR.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
19/0497/FULL Proposed extension to front, replacement windows and roof and external alterations at THE BRAMBLES, CALLOW HILL, ROCK, KIDDERMINSTER, DY149XD.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
19/9009/NMA Non Material Amendment of 18/0151/FULL (Amendments to existing approved scheme to include installation of privacy screen to balcony) at OVERWOOD, ROCK CROSS, ROCK, KIDDERMINSTER, DY149SF.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
19/0504/FULL Single storey rear and side extension, garage conversion and alterations to external appearance at RUSHMERE, BLISS GATE ROAD, ROCK, KIDDERMINSTER, DY149XS.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
19/0513/FULL Erection of 1 no detached dwelling house with swimming pool, parking and associated works at ROCK FARM, ROCK CROSS, ROCK, DY149SA.
It was RESOLVED to recommend refusal for this application for the following reasons;
- The site is very high visibility from Porch Brook Road and Worcester Road adjoining our Norman Church which can been seen for miles around.
- The application is for a very large in dwelling which is outside the settlement boundary.
- The land as always been agricultural land and contained an orchard which has had no previous development on the site.
- Great crested newts and bats are on the site.
- No heritage statement has been provided with the application documents detailing concerns previously mentioned
19/0533/FULL Erection of 1 No. 4 bed dwellinghouse at LAND ADJ. TO BATCH COTTAGE, GREENWAY, ROCK, DY14 9SQ.
It was RESOLVED to recommend refusal for this application for the following reasons;
- Remoteness from Services such as Health care, Education, Shops and transport.
- Absence of footpaths along the Greenway.
- Concerns about land permeability and proximity to a spring downhill of the site when use of a septic tank is in the proposal.
- Proximity to agricultural land (ref. decision in 19/3032 reason 2. I)
- The application is outside the settlement boundaries of Rock and of Bliss Gate.
- Very isolated location.
19/0571/FULL Replace flat roof with pitched tiled roof at TRIANGLE FARM, STATION ROAD, ROCK, KIDDERMINSTER, DY149UD.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
19/0574/FULL Application for: New pitched roof to replace flat roof at THE WARREN, ROCK, KIDDERMINSTER, DY149YP.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
2016 Correspondence & Update Sheet:
There was no update sheet.
2017 Parish Magazine:
Councillor Colin Thornton is writing tonight’s report for the Parish Magazine and Councillor Jim Lawson to write the October report.
2018 Worcestershire County Council – Definitive Map Alterations:
Council considered a request from Worcestershire County Council to add a footpath on the definitive map between RK-608, point A to RK-609, point B at Woodward’s Coppice.
The Council RESOLVED to support this request.
2019 Wyre Forest District Council – Pre-Submission Consultation:
Council considered a request from Wyre Forest District Council to resubmit our comments relating to the emerging District Local Plan for 2016-2036. The Clerk advise that the letter from Wyre Forest asked for comments on new sites identified and that previously submitted comments did not need to be made again.
The Council focused its thoughts on the Lem Hill Nursery Site that has been added to the emerging District Local Plan without being given the opportunity for the public to give its view previously. The Parish Council RESOLVED to totally oppose this site moving forward in the process. The Lem Hill Nursery Site has always been known as Bill White Nurseries. It is completely outside the Far Forest Settlement Boundary which should be respected. The site has poor access off the busy A4117 with no Street Lighting existing at Far Forest.
The current nursery land suffers from surface water flooding in bad weather. The Local Primary School is over-subscribed, and the site is landlocked for any possibility of future expansion.
Development on this site would put severe pressure on the Education Authorities in finding placements in Schools outside of the Parish Boundary. Far Forest does not have good local amenities for a Village of its size and adding up to 20 dwellings would add severe pressure on the already over stretched Doctors Surgeries and Dentist practices in both Bewdley & Cleobury.
Highways (access) is a major concern to the Parish Council as the current access off the current A4117 is within the 40mph zone and we are constantly seeing speeds of 60MPH at this junction. Worcestershire County Council recommended refusal to a planning Application No 19/0351/Full.
For a single dwelling that was supported and refused by your Planning Development Control Committee as the;“site was within the 40 MPH speed limit and in the vicinity of the site the carriageway is narrow with no overtaking” and this environment is not considered to be conducive due to the undulating nature of the road. They also referred to the lack of facilities for shopping as we have a one stop shop that can only support day to day local needs. Sustainable travel options was a key reason for objecting as education facilities, health services, leisure venues, retail outlets and employment sites are limited and reliance would be placed on a motor vehicle.
They concluded their recommendations stating lack of accessibility by sustainable modes is contrary to Paragraph 108 and 110 NPPF and the resulting highway safety hazard is also contrary to Paragraph 109 NPPF. It is worth noting Worcestershire Highways carried out a robust assessment of this planning application and it would have a severe impact on the road network”.
Rock Parish Council supports these views and feels that they apply equally to this submission. We also point out Worcestershire County Council provide inadequate bus provision for a village the size of Far Forest and there would be no increased provision should a scheme of this size go ahead.
2020 Far Forest Centre – Church Lane
Council noted they were still awaiting a response from the Church as to its likely plans for the Far Forest Centre.
2021 Far Forest Show
Councillor Sandra Woodhouse updated Council on a successful summer show for the Far Forest Society. The show goes from strength to strength and although the weather had been terrible this summer. The Chairman thanked all Councillors for helping on the Parish Council Stall where feedback had been very positive.
2022 Wyre Forest
Councillor Andrew Croot updated the Council on the 1st Parish Plan Meeting that took place and a second one would be held on Monday 7th October 2019.
2023 Wyre Forest Council noted the Clows Top Amateur Productions of Humpty Dumpty was being held on the 22nd to 24th November and they were encouraged to attend.
2024 Accounts for Payment:
a) Accounts amounting to £8,251.85 as detailed on the expenditure spreadsheet were approved for payment.
b) The Council noted the Income & Expenditure Spreadsheets circulated to date for the 2019- 2020 Municipal Year.
c) It was noted the Finance Committee would meet on Wednesday 30th October 2019.
d) Council noted the applications for small grants had been received on time and would be considered at the October meeting.
2022 Date of the next Meeting
There being no other business the meeting ended at 20.10pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 28th October 2019 at Heightington Village Hall.
28th October 2019