Minutes of the Rock Parish Council Meeting held in Callow Hill Methodist Hall on Monday 25th March 2019 commencing at 7.00pm.
Present: Councillors Christopher Price (Chairman); Douglas Godwin; Ms Christine Sankey; Jim Lawson; Sandra Woodhouse; Pat Pain; David Nott; Colin Thornton; Alistair Scott; Richard Williams; Andrew Croot; Calne Edginton White
In attendance: Mr S Clee Clerk, Roger Coleman, District Councillor Anna Coleman, County Councillor Rebecca Vale, Tony & Joan Woodhall, John Collett, Wendy Hill, Rev Sally Butcher, Nikki Groarke Archdeacon of Dudley, Glenn Rushton, Bernadette Rushton, Joan Palmer.
Apologies: Councillor Ms Sue Morris & PCSO Nathan Chater.
2054 Confirmation of the Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting held on 25 th February 2019 as previously circulated were approved and signed by the Chairman.
2055 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality;
A) There were none. B) There were none.
2056 Public Participation:
Nikki Groarke the Archdeacon of Dudley addressed Council and explained that the Diocese is in consultation on various proposals relating to the Far Forest Church and former School Hall Building known as the Far Forest Centre.
The Church had to modernise its building and open the building up for more mixed use options subject to the approval of the Charity Commission and Church granting a faculty. The costs could be met from the release of the Far Forest Centre. There were various options and scenarios available and several were suggested. The Chairman thanked Archdeacon Groarke for addressing Council and stated the Clerk would be in touch very soon to arrange a mutual meeting.
Mrs Wendy Hill addressed the Council relating to her planning application at the Colliers Arms. She would like the Parish Council to consider looking favourably on her planning application to grant a permanent licence for the Farm Shop having had a temporary licence for the last five years.
Mr Glenn Rushton of Windy Willows an adjoining neighbour to the Colliers Arms spoke against the application and expressed his frustration at, amongst other things, the water flowing off the structure and car park onto his adjoining land where he had cattle.
2057 County & District Councillor’s Report
Due to the forthcoming elections both District & County Councillors declined to address Council due to purdah being implemented.
2058 Correspondence & Update Sheet: The update sheet with two late planning applications was noted.
2059 Planning
036 19/0109/S73 Application for: Application to remove Condition 1 of Planning Permission 14/0061/FULL and 14/0480/Full to allow for permanent retention of wooden building to house (A1) shop at COLLIERS ARMS, TENBURY ROAD, CLOWS TOP, KIDDERMINSTER, DY149HA.
The Parish Council RESOLVED to recommend a temporary licence of 5 years being placed on this current application provided improvements are made to the collecting and harvesting of storm rainwater.
037 19/0106/FULL Application for: Change of use of ground floor flat (Known as The Old Stables) from residential to holiday let at THE OLD STABLES, JAMES PLACE, FAR FOREST, DY149DG.
RESOLVED to support.
038 19/0126/FULL Application for: The construction of a two storey rear extension at BROOKSIDE FARM, HEIGHTINGTON, BEWDLEY, DY12 2YS.
RESOLVED to support.
039 19/0137/FULL Application for: Material change of use of the land to Equestrian Purposes including the erection of stabling and tack/storage room. at LITTLE ORCHARD, HEIGHTINGTON, BEWDLEY, DY122XW.
RESOLVED to support.
040 19/0140/FULL Application for: Proposed 2No. 4 bed houses with garages, parking and access improvements at OLD HALL FARM, TENBURY ROAD, CLOWS TOP, KIDDERMINSTER, DY149HE.
RESOLVED to support.
041 19/0162/FULL Application for: Demolition of existing outbuilding and the construction of 2 No. three bed bungalow at HAYMIT, WORCESTER ROAD, CLOWS TOP, DY149PH.
RESOLVED to support.
042 18/0585/FULL Application for: Proposed construction of one live/work unit for a Physiologist Business (Use Classes B1/C3). at LAND TO WEST, TREACLE HALL, LYE HEAD, BEWDLEY, DY122UP. Rock PC
RESOLVED to oppose this revised planning application on the grounds that the proposed development is on land that has not been previously developed, nor has any evidence been given since an earlier application was considered and recommended for REFUSAL. The Parish Council reaffirms the Land identified on the drawings has always been agricultural land although the current owners have converted large sections of the agricultural land into garden. The Lane serving the existing properties is unadopted and the existing two properties are set back a considerable way back from the access lane.
The proposed dwelling, if approved, would be built considerably closer to the frontage of the access lane and would alter the visual impact of the street scene and cause considerable harm to the charm and character of this setting.
The Council also felt that, if the WFDC were minded to approve a live/work unit, the proposed use to which the work element of the structure is to be put, does not justify the need for such a large building and indeed this application is contrary to the WFDC own Live Work Policy 21D, which refers to “Live Work Units and Homeworking, and which states “60% of the floor space should be for the workspace and no more than 40% for residential use”
The Planning Statement and the plan attached to this application do not is therefore comply with the requirements of Policy 21D, and the Rock Parish Council UNANIMOUSLY recommend it should be REFUSED.
2060 Parish Magazine
Councillor Mrs Pat Pain is writing tonight’s report for the Parish Magazine and Councillor Ms Sandra Woodhouse in April.
2061 Accounts for Payment
a) Council noted the income & expenditure sheets to date for 2018-19.
b) Council approved expenditure amounting to £6,327.74.
c) Council noted the Clerk had made a VAT claim for the Municipal Year totalling £876.36
2062 Date of the next Meeting
There being no other business the meeting ended at 20.05pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 29th April 2019 for the PARISH MEETING at Heightington Village Hall.
29th April 2019