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Countryside and nature

The Ranger Service was established in 1991 with the aims:

  • to manage the nature reserves and natural open spaces of the district and enhance the experience of those who visit them.
  • to provide an environmental education service to all aspects of the community within the district.
  • to look for opportunities to enhance the natural environment of the district.

We do this by:

  • forming effective partnerships with other organisations and government bodies, the Ranger Service implements appropriate management works to meet or part meet the national or local biodiversity action plan objectives.
  • working with other organisations and the local community to develop and implement strategies to improve the environment and infrastructure of the nature reserves.
  • developing and where appropriate form partnerships to implement an effective events/education programme to effectively raise the awareness of the importance and significance of the natural environment.

The team has an important part to play in maintaining the natural environment to ensure the rare flora and fauna of our district will survive into the future.

We manage a number of reserves and sites across Wyre Forest.

Find out what areas of conservation concern we're tackling on our nature reserves.

Get involved! We have opportunities for volunteers, as they're a crucial part of managing our nature reserves.

Our herd of Shetland cattle; a native and rare breed, are used to graze conservation sites across the district.

Find out more about wetlands, lowland heath, and acidic meadows.

We introduced our pollinator patch project in 2022. The pollinator patches were chosen in conjunction with the Butterfly Conservation Trust and Friends of the Earth.

Contacting the rangers

Rangers can be contacted using their email address or via Operational Services on 01562 732928 (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9am - 5pm; Tuesday 10.30am - 4.30pm)

Out of hours nature reserve emergency/urgent contacts:

  • Out of hours emergency contact 01562 732225
  • Anti social issues - Police non-emergency 101
  • Fire on nature reserve 999
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