Small Business Rate Relief
How does SBRR work?
If you run a small business, further help may be available to pay your bills, with Small Business Rate Relief (SBRR). This relief is only available to ratepayers who apply to their local authority and an application form can be found below. The application must be submitted by the ratepayer or a person authorised on behalf of the ratepayer.
How much relief will I get?
Hereditaments with rateable values below £12,000, which meet the eligibility criteria, will receive 100% relief. This relief will decrease on a tapered scale if your rateable value is between £12,001 and £15,000.
The threshold for the standard business rates multiplier increased. Previously hereditaments with rateable values from £18,000 (£25,500 in London) were billed on the standard multiplier, however this has increased to rateable values of £51,000 or above. This means that, if the rateable value is under £51,000 the bill will be calculated using the small business non domestic rating multiplier; subject to eligibility.
Please note: Properties with rateable values under £51,000 will have already been calculated using the lower small business multiplier. This is done automatically and there is no need to apply.
To qualify for SBRR the ratepayer must:
- occupy only one property, or
- occupy one main property and other additional properties providing those additional properties each have rateable values of no more than £2,899.
- The aggregate total value of all the properties must not more than £19,999 (or £27,999 within Greater London).
For those businesses that take on an additional property which would normally have meant the loss of small business rate relief, you may be able to continue to be in receipt of the relief for a period of 12 months (from the date the additional property is taken on).
Previous schemes
If you require information on previous SBRR schemes please contact us.
Changes in Circumstance
If there is a change that could affect the entitlement to relief, you must let us know. You need to inform us within four weeks of the change occurring.
If a property, which is not in our district, increases in rateable value notifications must be made in writing.
If a ratepayer occupies any property which is not mentioned in their application for relief, these changes will have to be notified through a fresh application for relief.
Please note: If your business qualifies for Mandatory Charity Relief you cannot get SBRR as well.
Don't forget, if you move into, out of, or within our district you need to let us know as this will affect your bill.
If you require any further information on SBRR please contact us.