Guidance notes and application
Street Trading in Wyre Forest
Last updated
- Street Trading is regarded as an acceptable activity in Wyre Forest within the consented areas (Appendix A), provided that it is located where it can make a positive contribution to add interest, vibrancy, and diversity to the area and does not give rise to problems associated with crime and disorder.
- The council is the responsible authority for granting Street Trading Consents in Wyre Forest and will ensure that traders operate in accordance with conditions attached to such consents (Appendix B).
- The council accepts that Wyre Forest comprises distinct areas with differing historic and commercial characters, and varying streetscape qualities, which should be individually developed and promoted, and therefore the council has identified suitable locations (consented areas) for street trading in consultation with the Police, and other consultees.
- The Crime and Disorder Act (1998) stresses the need to take positive action to combat crime and the fear of crime. Therefore, prior to granting any Street Trading Consent the council will pay particular attention to any potential crime and disorder arising directly or indirectly from the consent and will give significant weight to the views of the Police and Community Safety Officer.
- The council may issue a consent for up to one year or a lesser period where appropriate if the trading activity is seasonal or of a temporary nature.
- Applications will only be considered where an applicant has completed an application form and will not be granted unless an applicant has paid the appropriate consent fee.
- Applications for a Street Trading Consent will be considered and determined under the Ccouncil’s Scheme of Delegation by the Head of Planning Health and Environment, or otherwise by the Council’s Licensing & Environmental Committee.
- Where more than one trader applies for a consent to trade from an approved site, the applications will be referred to the Council’s Licensing & Environmental Committee.