Guidance notes and application
Street Trading in Wyre Forest
Last updated
When considering an application for a Street Trading Consent, the council will take into account the following matters when reaching its decision:
- Responses from consultees and other interested parties.
- The proposed siting and design of the street trading vehicle and whether it enhances the vitality of the shopping area within the immediate vicinity.
- Any potential obstruction to the free flow of pedestrians or of vehicles in the street, with special regard for the visually impaired.
- Road safety, either arising from the siting of the street trading vehicle or as a result of customer visiting or leaving the site, including existing traffic orders and waiting restrictions.
- The nature of the proposed goods to be traded and whether this will create conflict with the trade of adjacent, established shops.
- Whether the proposed siting of the street trading vehicle obstructs the frontage of adjacent established shops.
- The numbers, distribution and location of existing street trading consents.
- The likelihood of excessive noise, odour and litter being generated.
- Whether the proposal would conflict with any other policies of the council.