Council invites comments on draft revised planning document
News release issued:
How local communities will be involved at each stage of the planning process is set out in Wyre Forest District Council’s new draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). The authority is encouraging residents and businesses to have their say on the document which includes its minimum standards for consultations on new policies and planning applications.
The SCI identifies how and when people can be involved in planning applications and the Local Plan, including when the council is developing Supplementary Planning Documents and Conservation Area Character Appraisals.
Councillor Dan Morehead, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration, Planning and Green Agenda said,
“Planning decisions affect land and buildings so it is important that local communities and businesses have the opportunity to be involved in plan making as well as commenting on any planning applications received by the District Council.”
The consultation runs from Monday 19 February until 5pm on Tuesday 2 April. The document is available to view at local libraries and Wyre Forest District Council offices, as well as on the council website.
Comments can be submitted through the consultation webpage, by email to or telephone on 01562 732928.
Once adopted, this SCI will supersede the previously adopted SCI.