Local Letting Plan - Husum Way
Scheme Name
Husum Way
Community Housing
Does a S.106 agreement apply to this scheme?
Full Address (as advertised)
Husum Way, Kidderminster, DY10 3QJ
Number, Size, Type and Tenure of units
Shared Ownership - 26 units
12 x 2 bedroom three person house, 70 sq.m
13 x 3 bedroom four person house, 82 sq.m
1 x 3 bedroom four person house, 85 sq.m
Affordable Rent - 14 units
2 x 1 bedroom two person house, 58.4sq.m
5 x 2 bedroom three person house, 70 sq.m
3 x 3 bedroom four person house, 82 sq.m
3 x 3 bedroom four person house, 85 sq.m
1 x 4 bedroom five person house, 106 sq.m
Social Rent – 8 units
2 x 1 bedroom two person house, 58.4sq.m
3 x 2 bedroom three person house, 70 sq.m
2 x 3 bedroom four person house, 85 sq.m
1 x 4 bedroom five person house, 106 sq.m
Reasons for developing an LLP (including evidence where relevant)
In the first instance all applicants must meet the requirements of Wyre Forest District Council allocations policy on the Councils Choice Based Letting scheme housing register, currently Home Choice Plus.
The Local Lettings Plan will ensure that initially 100% of nominations for the rented properties will be allocated in line with this LLP and the Councils allocations policy. Subsequently a minimum of 75% of the social housing properties must be for applicants and meet the requirements of Wyre Forest District Councils allocations policy via the housing register, currently Home Choice Plus.
All applicants are to be in housing need and unable to afford appropriate housing for either sale or rent, on the open market and therefore meet the required eligibility and affordability criteria. These properties are subject to a local connection criterion as per the Councils Allocation Policy.
Community Housing will also carry out Tenancy Sustainability checks in accordance with their Allocation Policy.
Aims and Objectives of LLP
Community cohesion and sustainability; in doing so contribute to making the area an even better place to live, work and visit.
This will ensure a balanced and sustainable community by selecting a diverse mix of applicants from the housing
Ensure that current and future residents feel safe and content in their homes and to make the best use of housing stock.
Reduce unnecessary turnover and potential refusals of properties and to give opportunities to those who are making community contributions but have restricted housing options.
To meet housing need whilst preventing future management problems on site
Ensure that the new community aligns smoothly with the existing community
Ensure that the needs of the local and wider community are reflected in the new development.
Are any allocation restrictions proposed in terms of Home Choice Plus bandings?
Aim to allocate 20% of the properties to residents who qualify for additional waiting time through making community contributions.
Are any allocation restrictions proposed in terms of numbers of household members to be allocated to family sized properties?
(i.e. different to Home Choice Plus bedroom standard)
Are any allocation restrictions proposed in terms of ages of children?
Is it proposed to advertise any properties for priority to Transfer applicants?
To be agreed in conjunction with the Council. This will only apply where the existing Community Housing tenant has a gold plus banding for overcrowding or medical need or are facing homelessness due to redevelopment by Community Housing (within Wyre Forest DC areas only). Any transfers allowed from CH housing stock will mean that the transfer property or (if this differs) an equivalent property (to the new build house they are rehoused into) must go to applicants on the Council’s housing register Home Choice Plus to maintain the 100% nomination rights. The Council and CH will agree the number of lettings where this will apply in advance of the properties being let on the new development.
Are any other restrictions outside of the Home Choice Plus allocations policy proposed?
Shared ownership properties
All applications for this form of housing must register on Home Choice Plus (or replacement housing register).
Date of LLP
February 2024
Date of review against objectives
Review every 3 years on anniversary of date of LLP (above)
Conformity monitoring to take place annually
Duration of Local Lettings Plan
First and subsequent relets for a period of three years
Approved by (Name and position) Wyre Forest District Council
Barbara Sarbinowska
Housing Manger
Date: 09.05.2024
Approved by (Name and position) Community Housing
Mel Bailey
Head of Housing
Date: 09.05.2024