Making of order
The Wyre Forest District Council (Off Street Parking Places) Order 2020
Dated 19 March 2020
Notice is hereby given that the Wyre Forest District Council has made the above Order under Part IV of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers for the purpose of regulating their parking places within the District of Wyre Forest. The Order shall come into force on 6 April 2020. The effect of the Order will be as follows:
- To revoke the Wyre Forest District Council (Off Street Parking Places Order) 2019 and re-enact those provisions without any change of substance other than those set out below in this notice.
- To simplify banding charging structure and implement a five band structure of £1 for 1 hour, £2 for 2 hours, £3 for 3 hours, £5 for up to 24 hours and £10 for up to 48 hours for all car parks.
- To end one hour free parking on all car parks.
- To extend the charging period on all car parks to 9.00 pm.
- To introduce a seasonal increase in charges in car parks in Bewdley and Stourport on Severn between April and October (inclusive) of £4 for 3 hours and £6 for up to 24 hours.
- To simplify the season ticket system by abolishing the senior citizen 6 months season ticket as well as all restricted season tickets (with the exception of the Bromsgrove Street scheme) and implementing the following season
ticket and charging structure: Wyre Forest 12m season ticket for £333.33 ex. VAT, Wyre Forest 6m season ticket for £208.33 ex. VAT, Wyre Forest 1m for £37.50 ex. VAT, Senior Citizen 12m for £145.83 ex. VAT, and Bromsgrove Street Value Season Ticket, 12 months for £250.00 ex. VAT, 6 months for £141.67 ex. VAT and 1 month for £30.00
ex. VAT. - To add to the Order a new car park located on the site of the former office building known as the Crown House, Kidderminster.
A copy of the Order can be inspected between 09:00 and 16:30 Monday to Friday at the Wyre Forest House, Finepoint Way, Kidderminster and The Hub at Green Street, Kidderminster. A copy is also available on the Council’s website. If any person wishes to question the validity of the Order or any of its provisions on the grounds that it or they are not within the powers conferred by the Act or that any requirement of the Act or any instrument made under the Act has not been complied with, that person may, within 6 weeks from the date on which the Order is made, apply for that purpose to the High Court.
CS Newlands
Solicitor to the Council