Safeguarding policy, procedures, protocols and practice policy
Annex D: Wyre Forest District Council staff and elected member roles and responsibilities
Last updated April 2023
Role |
Responsibilities |
Elected Members |
To be familiar with the Council’s Safeguarding Policy and to apply the processes, where necessary. Cabinet Member with responsibility for safeguarding has responsibility for approving any policy amendments. Cabinet Member with responsibility for safeguarding will act as the Council’s safeguarding champion. To undertake necessary training, on an annual basis, to know how to recognise and respond to concerns that a child, young person or vulnerable adult may be abused or neglected. |
Corporate Leadership Team |
Raise the profile, support the Policy and promote the development of initiatives to ensure the protection of residents within the district. Allocate resources to enable the Council to meet its responsibilities. Monitor staff and elected member training. To undertake necessary training, on an annual basis, to know how to recognise and respond to concerns that a child, young person or vulnerable adult may be abused or neglected. |
Named Safeguarding Officer |
Development of Policy, issuing operational guidance, promoting good practice and making policy recommendations to Council. Provide an annual progress report to the Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) regarding how the Council is meeting its Safeguarding Policy. Make referrals to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) as appropriate. Ensure that action taken is co-ordinated and monitored. |
Safeguarding Support Officer(s) |
To support with the provision of in-house training Co-ordinate audits for submission to the Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) and any required reports to the Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board (WSAB). Support and advise the Council’s contractors, leaseholders and grant recipients on the development of safeguarding policies, where necessary. |
Human Resources |
To provide support to the Named Safeguarding Officer and Safeguarding Support Officer(s) in their roles. |
Service Managers |
Make staff aware of their duty to report any allegations or suspicions of abuse to the Named Safeguarding Officer and the procedure for doing so. Operate safe recruitment practices and routinely take up and check references. Adhere to and operate within the Council’s Whistleblowing Policy and support staff that raise concerns. Ensure all staff receive training in safeguarding consistent with their job roles and responsibilities. Monitor compliance with Council’s Safeguarding Policy with contractors, leaseholders and grant recipients as appropriate. |