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First district to publish 2023-24 accounts

News release issued:

Wyre Forest District Council was the first district authority in the country to publish audited accounts for 2023-24.

It was also in the top two percent of all types of authority nationally to achieve sign off of its Statement of Accounts (seventh out of the 315 principal authorities in England).

The Statement of Accounts is a technical publication which provides a true and fair view of the council’s financial position, income and expenditure for the year. External audits of council finances are a legal requirement for all local authorities. By the end of November just 12 authorities had achieved this for their 2023-24 accounts.

Councillor David Ross, Wyre Forest District Council’s Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Portfolio said,

“My congratulations to our finance team who have worked extremely hard to produce this Statement of Accounts. As well as the financial position it also gives details of our outlook and significant matters affecting our finances.

“This year the team has been working with new auditors, Bishop Fleming. They have worked well together to be able to achieve sign off of the Statement of Accounts so quickly. There is a complex set of factors which are contributing to audit delays across the sector, so we are fortunate to be in this position.”

The statement of accounts can be read on the council’s accounts webpage

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