Cost of Living Action Plan to be updated
News release issued:
A network of warm welcome spaces is open across the district thanks to Wyre Forest District Council’s partnership working.
The authority has been providing grants to help voluntary groups and community organisations with the cost of running a warm space. Many of the spaces offer free activities and hot drinks. Funding for the scheme has come from the Government’s Household Support Fund. A full list of the warm welcome spaces in the district is available from the council's warm spaces webpage.
The warm spaces initiative is just part of the Council’s Cost of Living Action Plan. Over the past year the Council has also been providing a range of financial assistance to households including Discretionary Housing Payments, Council Tax Reduction Scheme, Housing Benefit, Welfare Assistance to help with food, utilities and furniture and help with rent bonds/deposits. It has also given out grants and loans to improve the energy efficiency of homes and run initiatives funded by the Household Support Fund from the Department of Work and Pensions. The fund is to help families with children, pensioners, unpaid carers, care leavers, and people with disabilities who would otherwise struggle with the costs of energy, food, water and other essentials.
At a meeting of Wyre Forest District Council’s Cabinet on Wednesday 18 December an updated Cost of Living Action plan looks set to be agreed.
Councillor Chris Rogers, Wyre Forest District Council’s Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing, Health and Wellbeing said:
“We know that the cost of living is continuing to affect many households in the district. You just have to look at the figures for the Kidderminster Foodbank. In 2017/18 they distributed almost 3,000 food parcels, last year this had jumped to just over 8,000 in the year. Wyre Forest Food Bank also has a constant stream of referrals. In 2022, 18% of the district’s household was in fuel poverty.
“We have been working with our partners and holding Cost of Living Summits. These are enabling us to make sure all partners have information about the help that’s on offer. It means local organisations can direct people to where they can get the support they need. We are looking to update the action plan and continue to offer support to those in the greatest need in our communities.”
For more help and advice on the cost of living visit the council's cost of living webpage.
The Cabinet meeting is taking place at 6pm on Wednesday 18 December. It can be watched at on the council's streaming webpage.